I got an education of air traffic controller by 5th technical school of Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) in Komaki air base. The education took place for about one year and one month. There were 9 subjects and I took the national examination for each subject. I studied until late at night every day. Because I had to pass everything. The purpose of education by JASDF was to pass the written examinations.
But to get licensed of air traffic controller, it was necessary to pass practical examination too.
I was assigned to camp with an airfield after graduation. And I got on-the-job training for about one year. After that I took the practical examination and passed.
一般の人からは、「自衛隊は普段何をやっているの?」との質問を受けることがあるが、当然に戦闘に必要な訓練を行っているのだが、それが具体的によくわからない、と言われる。 自衛隊の訓練は、陸上自衛隊を例にす ...